Hi! I’m Yves.
Based out of Belgium, and happily married to the Amazing Kim Slattery. Kim is an inspirational teacher, you should check her out here!
During most of the day I am an IT/Networking Specialist, currently with (VMware by) Broadcom, where I am the Software Defined Networking (SDN) Functional Lead for Europe, Middle-East & Africa (EMEA). In this role I am responsible for engaging with Broadcom’s Engineering & Product Marketing departments on new requirements and use cases , customer and field enablement , technology evangelising with customers , representing VMware / Broadcom and its Networking and Security products at internal and external industry conferences, etc. I have been an active member of standardisation bodies such as IETF and Broadband Forum. At IETF I was active in the NVO3 (Network Virtualisation Over L3) and ANIMA (Autonomic Networking) Working Groups. Most recently I was the Cloud Central Office Project Leader in the SDN & NFV Working Group at Broadband Forum. Before VMware/Broadcom I was 18 years at Cisco, in a variety of functions, including Distinguished Consulting Engineer. I own a Master in Computer Engineering from the Technical University in Antwerp,Belgium.
Hit me up on LinkedIn if you like.
In my free-time I plays quite loud guitar in a cover band called JuzzBoxx, and I also write, perform and record my own music.